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        MToolBar component for the Java™ platform
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MToolBar is a floating toolbar component, designed to contain and display UI components. It consists of a toolbar container and a top-level window, with a title and a border, for the container's representation on the screen.

v1.0.3 features:

   •  add/remove UI components;
   •  float anywhere on the screen;
   •  display components by their "preferred" sizes;
   •  assume only specific MToolBar window bounds on resizing, depending on the contained components' "preferred" sizes;
   •  show/hide the MToolBar window by the developer;
   •  hide the MToolBar window by the user;
   •  show/hide the MToolBar window along with the maximization/minimization of the owner frame;
   •  settle always over the owner frame;
   •  enable/disable window resizing;
   •  control the horizontal alignment of the components, contained in the MToolBar window;
   •  control the gaps between the components.

The documentation and a demo application are included in both evaluation and standard packages.

Requires: platform that supports JDK 1.1.x or Java™ 2 SDK
Tested on: Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE v1.1.8, v1.2-V, v1.2.2-W, v1.3.1_02, 1.4.0_rc
  Microsoft Corp. Command-line Loader for Java 5.00.3169 (JRE v1.1.4) - ie5
  IBM Corporation JRE v1.1.7
  Borland JBuilder™ 7 Enterprise

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